July/August Walk Bike Ride Challenge starts today

Home » July/August Walk Bike Ride Challenge starts today


Seattle Department of Transportation has been running the Walk Bike Ride Challenge for about a year.  This program encourages folks to switch to walking, cycling and transit.  Participants become part of a community making a difference on many fronts, including personal health and improved air quality in Seattle.

When you enroll, you’ll receive weekly reminders and tips and you can track both your individual impacts and the group’s collective impacts online.   Anyone with the ability to convert a couple of car trips per week to a trip by foot, pedal, or transit can participate.

The program runs every two months, but the July/August round is the biggest of the year. It helps that the weather is better, but the summer program also has the best prizes, too:

Take the Walk Bike Ride Challenge this summer. Visit www.seattle.gov/waytogo to get started!