Last night’s Waterfront Seattle event at the Seattle Aquarium was a great success and so well-attended that people were packed in like sardines. James Corner presented for an hour to the standing-room only crowd about his approach and thinking to our waterfront. To my delight, he is building on the work of our previous design charrettes held by the City and Allied Arts a number of years ago, and he clearly understands the opportunity to showcase our waterfront.
He will incorporate the themes and strength of our maritime industry and heritage with all the natural beauty of our region. He has had great experience in New York City and will bring that to our Waterfront. I was pleased to see that he also understands the importance of our neighborhood connections, the waterfront businesses, the artistic and creative types, and those organizations including People for Puget Sound and Sound Keepers who have worked hard to clean up our waters.
I saw Mithun architects Lee Copeland and Jeff Benesi, both on the design team, as well as hundreds of friends and colleagues who have worked on this project for the past decade. I’m looking forward to the next meeting at the Aquarium in May when james corner field operations will present ideas for a few “big moves.”
Thanks to all the good work by the stakeholders on our Waterfront Partnership Committee, we’re one step closer to realizing our dream of a great Waterfront.