Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar July 16, 2012

Home » Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar July 16, 2012

Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar July 16, 2012

1. C.B. 117519

AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council

2. C.B. 117520

AN ORDINANCE relating to drainage services of Seattle Public Utilities (SPU); amending Section 21.33.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code to update definitions; amending Section 21.33.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code to update exemptions from drainage rates and adjust drainage rates; amending Sections 21.33.050 and 21.33.070 to clarify billing and collection procedures; and amending Section 21.76.040 of the Seattle Municipal Code to revise credits to low-income drainage customers.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center

3. C.B. 117521

AN ORDINANCE relating to wastewater services of Seattle Public Utilities; amending Section 21.28.040 of the Seattle Municipal Code to adjust the wastewater volume rate; and amending Subsection 21.76.040 A of the Seattle Municipal Code to adjust credits to low-income wastewater customers.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center

4. C.B. 117522

AN ORDINANCE relating to the solid waste system of Seattle Public Utilities; revising rates and charges for solid waste services; revising credits to low income customers for solid waste services; offering free disposal at City recycling and disposal stations to low income customers under certain conditions; revising rates for yellow pages phone book recovery fees; providing for an annual adjustment to rates and charges for inflationary adjustments to contractor payments; and amending Chapters 21.40, 21.76 and 6.255 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center

5. C.B. 117523

AN ORDINANCE relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; making allocations and authorizing implementation of certain Technology Matching Fund projects in 2012; providing that 2012 appropriations for the Technology Matching Fund from the Cable Television Franchise Subfund and from the Information Technology Fund shall automatically carry forward into the 2013 fiscal year; that any unspent funds from an individual project may be applied to another Technology Matching Fund project; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology

6. C.B. 117524

AN ORDINANCE relating to the referral of certain permit applications from the Department of Planning and Development to the Department of Neighborhoods for historic landmark review and amending Sections 25.05.800 and 25.12.370 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Committee referral: Full Council

7. Res. 31395

A RESOLUTION setting the public hearing for the vacation of a portion of Broad Street between Taylor Avenue North and 6th Avenue North in the Uptown neighborhood area of Seattle; pursuant to Chapter 35.79 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 15.62 (Clerk File 312319).
Committee referral: Full Council for Introduction and Adoption

BY No Sponsor Required
8. C.F. 312454

Full subdivision application of Seattle Housing Authority to subdivide 10 parcels of land into 100 parcels of land in an environmentally critical area, as a component of the Redevelopment of Yesler Terrace at 825 Yesler Way.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Burgess
9. C.F. 312455

Appointment of M. Lorena Gonzalez as member, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2013.
Committee referral: Government Performance and Finance

BY Conlin
10. C.F. 312456

Appointment of Rita Brogan as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability