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UP #385 – Final Urban Politics from City Hall. But the show goes on!

Urban Politics (UP) blends my insights and information on current public policy developments and personal experiences with the intent of helping citizens shape Seattle’s future. I’ve decided to continue writing Urban Politics and keeping its intent and format roughly the same. However, it will obviously no longer be hosted at city hall. For that reason, […]


UP #377 – ALEC Conference Part 6 // Will ACCE become the ALEC for Cities and Counties?

In coming to the ALEC/ACCE conference my big question was, would the American City County Exchange (ACCE) be able to duplicate ALEC’s success in getting hundreds of bills passed around the country that cripple worker and environmental protections? Would it open the floodgates to corporate influence in shaping our urban political environment? It seemed to […]


UP #375 – ALEC Conference Part 4 // ALEC’s Targets: Unions, the Supreme Court, Political Parties, & Bureaucrats

Unions are ALEC’s favorite whipping boy. When ALEC opened up their conference with Governor Steve Walker, he snapped that whip within his first few moments boasting “we took on the unions and won.” The crowd cheered. Even though union membership has been slashed by two-thirds from their peak in the mid-fifties, there are still enough […]


UP #374 – ALEC Conference Part 3 // Where Corporations Are People Too

Unlike other political organizations of locally elected public officials, corporations, business associations, and think tanks are full voting ALEC members, referred to as the private-interest partners. From talking to one private-interest member, the cost of joining ALEC is just over $1,000 but to vote in one of ALEC’s task forces that make policies, the cost […]


UP #372 – A Progressive Democrat Joins the Right-Wing ALEC Organization

It’s true. I plopped down my $50 and became a member of ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council), dedicated to the three principles of limited government, free markets and federalism. This is the basis of a right-wing movement in America to repeal existing government legislation that promotes social justice and economic equity, and stop any […]


UP # 369 –  Why The Call From Some For Rent Control?

Housing affordability in Seattle has become a crisis with the highest rent increases of any major U.S. city in 2012 and 2013.  Seattle is now among the nation’s ten most expensive cities.  More than 45% of Seattle rental households are now considered rent-burdened. A 2015 Washington State Housing Needs Assessment found there are only 34 […]