Academics Unite Behind Investments in Early Childhood Education

Home » Academics Unite Behind Investments in Early Childhood Education

LearnLast month, leading academics in the field of early childhood education released a statement summarizing the benefits of increased investment in this arena. Hundreds of professors and researchers from across the country have joined the sixty-one founding signatories to show a strong consensus in the academic community on the positive effects of quality early learning. The letter opens as follows:

As policymakers debate investing in quality early childhood education programs, they should note the widespread agreement among researchers about the value of such programs. An extensive body of research in education, developmental psychology, neuroscience, medicine and economics shows that quality early childhood education programs produce better education, health, economic and social outcomes for children, families, and the nation. As researchers, we urge policymakers to make decisions based on the full body of scientific knowledge about early education and child development.

You can read the full statement and see a list of all the signers here: