Council to Review Affordable Workforce Housing Report, Address Increasing Rents

Home » Council to Review Affordable Workforce Housing Report, Address Increasing Rents

City of Seattle

Councilmember Mike O’Brien

Council to Review Affordable Workforce Housing Report, Address Increasing Rents

SeattleCity Council will review a final report regarding affordable workforce housing in Seattle tomorrow. Housing experts have compared conditions in Seattle against similar cities from across the country and will present their findings and recommendations relating to increasing the affordable workforce housing supply in the city.

The City is currently evaluating the most promising methods to increase the supply of affordable workforce housing in Seattle by engaging with national experts, consultants, stakeholders and the public. This presentation is a part of the larger review Council is undertaking and will take place at a joint meeting of the Council’s Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee and the Committee on Housing Affordability, Human Services and Economic Resiliency.

WHAT: Workforce Housing Best Practices Presentation

WHEN: Wednesday, June 25, 11:00 a.m.

WHERE: Council Chambers, 2nd floor
Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle 98104

WHO: Seattle City Councilmembers
Kurt Creager, Otak, Inc
Paul Peninger, Peninger Consulting

[View in Council Newsroom]